Friday, July 15, 2011

The sweetest poem I’ve ever heard

Feel free to express yourself. As a human all of us feel different kinds of emotion: love, hatred or even pain. Sometimes writing is our way of expressing it in a form of poem, novel or a journal. I myself express my thoughts through writing a poem.
Love poem is one of those ways of expressing our feelings. Sometimes it’s easier to write on notes than telling the person personally that you love him or her. But it’s sweeter if you have the courage to give that poem to the one you love. Don’t you notice that writing a poem to a particular person making him/her feel that she/he is special? You yourself can inspire others. You don’t need to become a poet for you to be a writer. Making a simple love poem can touch someone’s life. You can inspire others through your work and I think it’s a great thing. Even a mother’s love poem expresses true and great love for her kids. Each one of us can be a great writer as long as we’re true in our emotion.
For me the sweetest poem I’ve ever heard is the one that has the heart and influence someone’s life. When I used to read a beautiful poem it can make me smile. For me, a life without pen and note is not complete. Because in writing a poem I’m free to express my hidden emotion. It’s an undying music that as long as I’m alive I never get tired of writing my own poem.

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